Friday, February 27, 2015
Friday, February 6, 2015
A bipolar week
For some reason I have been in a real funk lately. Maybe it's the fact that I'm working less or have just too much on my mind, but man, I just couldn't shake it!
I also seemed to be on a bad luck streak. Missing out on an easy $250 because I was cooking food and didn't check my phone for 45 mins... and then losing $135 because I fell asleep. All I see when I lose money is weeks of the trail fund going down the drain. That money alone would of paid for more than 1 month of my hike!
I have also been worrying a lot about whether I can go to my nieces wedding, or go home for a visit before I head out, or if I can sublet my room, and if I don't where will I store my stuff, and where will I store my car, and should I rent my scooter and should I fix my car and... and... and... there is just so much to plan for. I also started doing my taxes and well, that was a let down too...
To try and get myself back in the mood of doing this thing I laid out all my gear on my bed and took a pic. Looking at it all always makes me feel good. Then I posted it on a fb page with all class of 2015 pct hikers and got a lot of responses and started feeling "back in it".
Then something amazing happened.
my roommate came in the house announcing "colleen you got a package". I didn't order anything so I was curious. I come out of my room and see her standing there with a rather large box. Hmmm? It was at that point that I had a feeling of what it could be. A friend I met in the fb group and I had been talking about a bear vault that I might be able to buy off a friend of hers. I said out loud "there is no freaking way". I opened it up and indeed it was a bear vault! The bv500! With just a note on an index card that said "from one vet to another" (or something similar, I lost it). Tears literally came to my eyes, I had to sit down and just take it in. Such a kind act.
Today I received another gift! Another member of the hiking group, who I have never met, got my address from the women who sent me the bear vault and she sent me a homemade freezer bag cozy! I am just beyond words and amazed by the kindness of strangers!
My mood has been completely changed around! The list may still be long and pretty overwhelming but I have to remember to try and attack it one thing at a time!
I felt so good I went out for a 5 mile hike around the neighborhood. Pretty close to the end I saw a bag of clothes sitting on the curb, so I went over to investigate. Half the bag was filled running clothes in great condition. So I grabbed the bag and finished my hike. I put them up for sale today and already have made $52! Plus I sold my hiking shoes that I have decided not to wear for $50. Every little bit helps!
To the two ladies that lifted me up at exactly the right moment, I thank you!
Sunday, February 1, 2015
73 days and counting
yeah... I am still completely freaking out!
Things are getting real.
Who would think that leaving everything behind to go live out of a backpack for 6 months and walk would take so much planning and prep!
Here are some of the things I have had to tackle and a lot of things that are left on the to do list!
- Gear. Research and buy the right gear. I can't afford to make mistakes and buy a new piece of gear on the trail. Ok, It may happen, but right now I feel pretty confident in my gear.
- Permits. Make sure I have all the proper permits and ID's to be able to hike, camp, use fire and enter and return from Canada.
- Sublet. If I wan't to keep my awesome room in LA I need to find someone to sublet it while I'm gone.
- Vehicle. Well my car is dead and the thought of spending money to get it running (bad clutch) is money I can't afford to spend. I need to find somewhere to store it.
- Resupply plan. I plan on buying most of my food in town as it happens, but I need to figure out where I have to send myself a box and figure out how I will do so. Also talk to another hiker about an Idea to deal with this issue.
- Train. Get out and walk! I have to admit that I am failing on this part of the prep!
- Train with all gear & camp. Hopefully this will happen soon! As soon as I get my sleeping bag this will happen!
- Work. Work my butt off so I can better enjoy this adventure!
- Blog. I definitely need to blog more!!! I also need to work on writing more interesting blogs... lol but right now my mind is in facts and lists mode... these blogs help me sort out everything going on in my brain!
- Pack. Pack all my stuff and put it in storage. Hopefully if I find someone to rent my room I can just store it in the attic space... otherwise, well, I have no idea what I'm gonna do.
Well time to work on my resupply... for some reason this really seems to be something I keep avoiding. I just want to throw my pack on my back and go hike, but I also don't want to run out of food, so lets get to it!
happy planning!