Monday, March 30, 2015

2 weeks and counting...

2 weeks... wow

Time really does fly by...

In exactly 2 weeks I will be hanging out at Scout and Frodo's house in San Diego with 20 or more other hopeful thru hikers. We will all share an amazing moment in our lives, Arriving at the Southern Terminus monument for the Pacific Crest Trail at mile 0, just feet from the Mexican Boarder fence. Taking those first steps together... Some of these people I may hike the whole trail with, some I may see here and there, some I may never see again... I know I will be nervous and excited and in disbelief for what I am about to embark on... how ever far I get, it will be farther than I ever dreamed...

Sunday, March 29, 2015


I have to admit that I was pretty lazy today!

I stared at my backpack, even went through and looked at everything. I even took a bunch of pictures of different things in my pack. Exciting huh?

Im a little upset that Im having a bit of a toothache tonight... looks like a dental appointment and possible pulled tooth is in my future,  near future!

3 items that I can think of that I need for my pack.
1. Toaks 600 ml titanium pot - ordered (upgrading from gsi soloist)
2. Anker 10,000 mah external batter - ordered (lost mine)
3. 64 mb micro SD Memory card

Tomorrow will be a more productive day.. I promise!

Saturday, March 28, 2015

20 mins..

Ok I have 20 mins to post this entry in order to keep my promise to post every single day!

Today was "Clean, Organize and Pack" day.

Feeling pretty good about how much I got done today! Everything I have is contained within a 7 x 14 room, add gear and food resupply to that and things can get a little out of control! In other words... my room was a disaster area!

I set out all my Hiking gear and realized that I have added quite a few items since my last weigh in.. I'm getting a little nervous! I plan to weigh my gear tomorrow, minus my battery pack. A week or so ago I was working on a set in an old warehouse in downtown/east LA. I left it charging inside. Unfortunately I was unable to contact the right people in time so I imagine it has a new home.  I need to order a new one asap! Other than that I think I'm pretty much ready gear wise!! feels good! still contemplating getting a titanium cup to replace my cook pot, guess tomorrows weigh in will help me with that decision!

Trying to get a few more things done before bed, Can't believe how fast time is going by now, but I feel right on track!

here's a pick of all the stuff that has to go in my pack.  My sleeping bag of course can be much much smaller, but is being stored in the larger sack.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Falling into place

18 days and counting...

I'm sorry I haven't been blogging on a regular basis! What a horrible blogger I am! I am hereby declaring that from this day forward I will blog every single day. Well, I promise that I will try...

The Last month has been so crazy! I had many ups and downs, I didn't work for 5 days, got depressed and stressed, then worked a week and a half straight every day 12-15 hrs. This week I have taken 3 days off to work on stuff, and I must say it is all falling into place!

One of the biggest stresses I had was finding someone to Sublet my room. I have a great place here in LA and I didn't want to lose it. If I did have to leave, where would I store my stuff? If I find someone will my roommates like that person? Well, the perfect thing happened, my roommate Drew found someone to rent my room while I am gone! I don't have to worry about them getting along, I get to store my stuff in the attic space in my room, and I have a place to come back to. Find someone to sublet - Check

Another Big stress looming over me is my car. Currently it isn't really working. I had originally planned to drive it to WI, leave it there and take a bus back to San Diego to start my hike. Well, because of my money situation that wasn't an option anymore. Currently my car is sitting out on the street, it has been for about 6 months, I have driven it around the block, started it and moved it here and there but I'm always nervous that it will get towed (it happened once before and cost me $1500 to get back) The only option I really had was to just risk it and leave it on the street. I thought I would just throw it out there and posted on facebook that I needed a spot, but had no money to offer, I figured it was a long shot but maybe someone had an extra spot.  What do you know, a women I work with, Robin, said she had an extra spot at her house and would be happy to let me park it there! Can you believe that? Amazing. Such a weight off my shoulders! Find somewhere to store your car - Check

Money. you can't be an unemployed, homeless, hiker without money! haha It's amazingly expensive to backpack across the country! I think by the end it will have cost me somewhere between $4000- $5000.  First there is the gear, the lighter and better it is, the more expensive it is. I think I will have spent about $1500 on my gear by the time I leave. I will also need up to 3 or 4 pairs of shoes which cost $120 each and if there are any replacements or repairs to gear made on the trail I will need to be ready for that. I also got almost everything on sale so I believe I saved over $1500, I'm thrifty haha. Food. probably the biggest cost. I will need to eat high calorie lightweight food. Most will be bought in small towns along the trail where I can expect to pay a higher price. I have bought some food ahead of time and will ship myself a few boxes in the beginning.  I also have a few friends and family that want to send me a resupply box, that will be so much fun! I feel pretty comfortable with how much money I will have, but hope to make a bit more before heading out! I will also have some bills while on the trail, storage, my phone bill, paying trail angels, hostels and the occasional shared hotel room. Make enough money that you don't have to worry - Well I'm still working on that.

I have all my permits, but I do not have my passport yet, oops. looks like I'll need to have someone send it to me.

So what do I have left to do? lots of little things... back up my computer, since it will be sitting for 9 months. make sure my phone is 100% ready. all apps updated and loaded, memory 100% ready, buy a 32 or 64 gig memory card for it, load pdfs. Mail boxes - resupply boxes,  Make resupply boxes. Move car. Cancel Insurances. Adjust phone plan. Pack up room. Finish resupply plan. and on and on... OH and blog every day!

Talk to you tomorrow...