Saturday, March 28, 2015

20 mins..

Ok I have 20 mins to post this entry in order to keep my promise to post every single day!

Today was "Clean, Organize and Pack" day.

Feeling pretty good about how much I got done today! Everything I have is contained within a 7 x 14 room, add gear and food resupply to that and things can get a little out of control! In other words... my room was a disaster area!

I set out all my Hiking gear and realized that I have added quite a few items since my last weigh in.. I'm getting a little nervous! I plan to weigh my gear tomorrow, minus my battery pack. A week or so ago I was working on a set in an old warehouse in downtown/east LA. I left it charging inside. Unfortunately I was unable to contact the right people in time so I imagine it has a new home.  I need to order a new one asap! Other than that I think I'm pretty much ready gear wise!! feels good! still contemplating getting a titanium cup to replace my cook pot, guess tomorrows weigh in will help me with that decision!

Trying to get a few more things done before bed, Can't believe how fast time is going by now, but I feel right on track!

here's a pick of all the stuff that has to go in my pack.  My sleeping bag of course can be much much smaller, but is being stored in the larger sack.

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